Irfan TOOR
Who is Irfan TOOR
Irfan TOOR is an Engineer (Civil + AI), and an Innovator, passionate about the Information Technology, Digital Transformation, Cyberspace and Cybersecurity.

He obtained his first degree in Civil Engineering from UET (1993), and obtained his second degree of Engineering in Artificial Intelligence (Master 2) from OC (2023).
In his own words :
“I love coding, optimizing and at times re-inventing.”
— Irfan TOOR.
or :
“Lets begin to understand …”
— Irfan TOOR.
Early Life / Education
He started his life from a remote village in a small city. After doing his engineering he did multiple projects in the domain of Civil Engineering specially the Quantity Analysis of the redesign of Prime Minister’s House, Planning of a Motorway and structural analysis and design of Multi-story plazas to independent houses.
After going through this phase, which he terms as the culmination of his structural engineering and its application, he turns towards the information technology, which he started in his 17s and continued even while doing his university studies.
He got fascinated by the processors, the computers, the digital viruses and their propagation thus entering in to this realm of cyber-space. After experimenting with the different BIOS s, the debugging, experimental creations of macros and boot viruses (those were strictly for experimental purposes and were never released to public in any form), shuffling from one floppy disk to another for assemblers or the c compilers, he developed a taste for optimisation. Consider the following code with ref to IBM‘s BIOS for example:
; file: cold_boot.asm
; desc: 4 bytes cold boot program for dos/windows in real mode.
; author : Irfan TOOR
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; JMP RESET (where RESET is a power on reset vector location)
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Note: the documented way to this entry point was JMP 0F00:0FFF
; -1- --2-:-2--
; jump to a segment:offset is always a far jump and its always 5 bytes long.
; my alternative to do the same call:
dec ax ; ax => 0FFFF
push ax ; push to stack
push bx ; push 0 to stack
iret ; ret to 0000:FFFF (which is eq. to 0F00:0FFF ;-)
Mid Life
He marries to Efatt, with whome he has four children and they both are into some other projects as well.
He transformed a surgical production unit from paper based company to an ERP Software based digitized company using Microsoft Access as both server and client end (when even the abbreviation ERP was not devised). From conceptualising a smart-card based digital car ownership to materialising the crawling of 1M sites in less than 24 hours using bash shell scripts based workers show his passion for Information Technology.
In an effort to learn French language from his heart, he even opted to obtain a diploma of “Technician Supérieur en Réseaux Informatique et Télécommunication d’Entreprise” from AFPA, and had a chance to work with one of his camarades from AFPA as an Administrator.
He worked from a Project Manager for a Software development firm, managing a web-based application for a telecom operator to a CTO of a multinational company for a project of surveillance and monitoring for the transformation of a city menacé to a safe-city.
He starts with his passion of hacking, but with the strict constraints of ethics, so he opted to obtain his certificate of an Ethical Hacker from EC-Council and he developed a taste for encrypting algorithms as well, for example:
# verify if the following phrase is correct. (from Le to fullstop both inclusive)
# Le SHA512 de cette phrase termine par : neuf, deux, trois, neuf, e, sept et huit.
echo -n 'Le SHA512 de cette phrase termine par : neuf, deux, trois, neuf, e, sept et huit.' | openssl sha512
Current Activities
To address his profound interest in Artificial Intelligence he kept moving on for the degree of IA-Engineer from OC (though he is playing with the different data-sets of the world, while waiting for his second Engineer’s Degree. Only the time will tell if the french saying, “Jamais deux sans trois” is true or yet another exception).
He is in the phase of preparation for a big adventure, where he could combine all of the meta-knowledge he has collected throughout his life time. In the mean while he is trying to give back to his existing community.
A few of his projects
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